Thursday, May 1, 2014

Last Day of Choices

Before I get into the choices for today, I had to share this art that I found over at Etsy. I'm not even sure how she does these sculptures but they're amazing. She takes found books like this one from the Salvation Army and molds them into art.

Or this one...

Normally, I'd be upset about the way books are mangled. It makes me sad, but these are beyond words. They're way over my budget, too, or they would be on the list! I'm not judging the price. Art takes time and creativity. It should be worth some money!

I had to share, but on with our real list for the day. 

Let me know what you think!


  1. oh wow.. tough choices. I love the panda.. but that first one is so pretty too. and Alice in Wonderlanf. is really nice too but that frame is just not doing it for me.

    1. I'd have to look, but I don't think the frame is included. I have to agree about it, though, and I'd pick another one!

  2. *flapping hands* The panda or Alice! I will personally buy and ship you a frame! Fugeddaboudit! The book sculptures are AH-mazing! Good find!

    1. The sculptures are incredible, aren't they? I kept squinting at them then zooming in because I'm curious how she does it.
