Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tall Tale Tuesday: April 29th

It's the last day of April. I know. I can't believe it flew by so fast, either. This will be our last Tall Tall Tuesday before May.

Samantha at The Marble Jar had an amazing contribution this week. Well, she does every week, but this was a special treat since it made my blood race faster than this entire cup of coffee I'm drinking. Go over there right now and give her some story love. Altar of Rebellion Come back after you're done!

The Writing Prompts

On a lazy Sunday, you're walking through your local grocery store, pushing your cart with the one wobbly, squeaky wheel while not looking your best. Coming towards you is the last person on the entire planet you want to see.
*Who is it? What happens next?*

A woman notices that the lights keep flickering inside a neighboring home. The small home next to it lights up like a Christmas tree and that continues down the street until the entire neighborhood is as bright as the mid-day sun.
*What does the woman do?*

In the car in front of you on the highway, there's a noticeable sway to the back tire that has you worried for the driver's safety. You speed up to overtake the driver with the intent on waving him or her to the side of the road, but what you see scares you.
*What do you see when you pull up beside the driver? What do you do next?*

The linky still has the wrong meme because it's free. I've changed it up for variety. It's now cat Tuesday. You can link in the comments or in the Mister Linky tool. It's completely up to you. You could paste your story into the comments without linking too if you like. I'm totally flexible over here. 


  1. I love these linkys. I'm going to try to participate today if I can find the time (banquet dinner tonight). I always enjoy reading them. :)

    1. I'm glad you've enjoyed them! Even if you can't participate today, it'll be here until next Tuesday. I'd love to read a story contribution from you, so I hope you get a chance to write a little flash fiction.
